I am a Programmer. Flash allows me to unleash my imagination, and unleash original ideas into a world of acceptance. I love Programming, no matter what language. If it has to deal with a computer, count me in.

Ryan @Roumd

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/17/08

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Roumd's News

Posted by Roumd - January 22nd, 2010

So, I'm working on a new project called "The Room"
This is an online room in which you can walk around and talk with other people on the internet.

Exciting right???

In The Room, I've created a new server-base system that should actually work, unlike Running Man(1.07) This system is (or should be) programmed to contain multiple players, moving simultaneously around The Room, while still being able to talk... WITHOUT ALL THE LAG.

Hopefully, when The Room airs, it will actually be something you might want to keep playing, not just a one time thing.

We'll see what happens.

The Room

Posted by Roumd - January 11th, 2010

So, Basic Chat successful or unsuccessful?

The game itself came out very unsuccessful, In fact, it scored lower than a 2.0 / 5.0 !

The purpose itself, came out very successful. I managed to get people talking to each other through a flash client! How awesome is that.

The next step is to create a simple game that uses the same online system I used for basic chat, as far as the programming goes, it'll be pretty easy.

Thanks to all the people on Newgrounds, I'm finally motivated to add more work towards adobe's wonderful creations, and Tom Fulp's great idea, and of course as I've said to all the people on Newgrounds.

Posted by Roumd - January 23rd, 2009

Flash is very exciting... well to me at least. You have a chance to post your ideas thanks to Newgrounds.
I'm currently working on a role-playing-game which is the game version of the demo.